Prof. Njoka To Spend Over Ksh.22.5 Million To Hire New Lecturers To Replace Those On Strike
If you are on that Chuka University Live Facebook group, you might have already felt the ambience of tension in the group concerning whether we should go home or cling on to patience and await for Prof. Njoka's go ahead.
So, apparently the Chuka University Vice Chancellor - Professor Erastus Njoka together with the institution's management have come to the consensus that all lectures should resume on Wednesday 8/02/2017 at 7.00 am.
The management has urged the students to attend all the lectures as indicated on the timetable.
In addition, class representatives are required to note the units not being taught and forward the list to the Director Academics through their respective faculty representatives.
READ ALSO >> Classes To Resume For Chuka University Students Despite On-going Lecturers' Strike
The reason is so that in case a lecturer does not teach any unit, he or she shall be replaced by Monday next week.
The Chuka University management has already set aside a budget of over Ksh.20 million to hire new lecturers to replace those who are on strike.
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Chuka University lecturers on strike | Photo: FB |
So, apparently the Chuka University Vice Chancellor - Professor Erastus Njoka together with the institution's management have come to the consensus that all lectures should resume on Wednesday 8/02/2017 at 7.00 am.
The management has urged the students to attend all the lectures as indicated on the timetable.
In addition, class representatives are required to note the units not being taught and forward the list to the Director Academics through their respective faculty representatives.
READ ALSO >> Classes To Resume For Chuka University Students Despite On-going Lecturers' Strike
The reason is so that in case a lecturer does not teach any unit, he or she shall be replaced by Monday next week.
The Chuka University management has already set aside a budget of over Ksh.20 million to hire new lecturers to replace those who are on strike.
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Prof. Njoka To Spend Over Ksh.22.5 Million To Hire New Lecturers To Replace Those On Strike
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