Marine Park Resort Finally Listens To The Cries Of Chuka University Comrades - Chuka University News on Gossip, Entertainment, Campus Events And Breaking News -

Marine Park Resort Finally Listens To The Cries Of Chuka University Comrades

Chuka University students will now smile after finding out that the management of Marine Park Resort has decided to reduce the swimming costs for them.

Marine Park Resort | Chuka | Ndagani
Marine Park Resort | Chuka, Ndagani Centre

Earlier this year, comrades reported to the varsity only to learn that there was a new recreation spot in the area with a large swimming pool able to accommodate up to 70 people.

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Unfortunately, the comrades were discouraged by the fact that they had to pay over Ksh.300 in order for them to have fun in the pool.

Worse still, the price of the food at the resort was not comrades' friendly and so Marine Park ended up getting poor ratings.

However, the Marine Park Resort management has decided to re-think their rates to favour the humble pockets of Chuka University students.

From Monday to Friday, the swimming pool rates will be Ksh.200 for students only and on Saturday & Sunday (Weekend) the rates will be Ksh.300 for adults - students included.

We are yet to find out if the students will be able to manage the new rates. Keep it Chuka Uni Gossip!

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Marine Park Resort Finally Listens To The Cries Of Chuka University Comrades Marine Park Resort Finally Listens To The Cries Of Chuka University Comrades Reviewed by Admin on 14:45:00 Rating: 5

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