Millionaire Sponsor Driving A Mercedes-Benz E320 Spotted At Chuka University Girlfriend's Hostel - Chuka University News on Gossip, Entertainment, Campus Events And Breaking News -

Millionaire Sponsor Driving A Mercedes-Benz E320 Spotted At Chuka University Girlfriend's Hostel

So it's true that most female Chuka University students have sponsors to finance their expensive lifestyle here in campus? But in exchange of what? A certificate degree?

Millionaire Sponsor Driving A Mercedes-Benz E320 Spotted At Chuka University Girlfriend's Hostel
Mercedes-Benz E320 | Photo: Internet

Sponsors are believed to be old 'ugly' men who have already accomplished everything they ever wanted in life and all they can do with their millions of cash is spend it on desperate campus girls in exchange of raw sex. Chisos!!!

[Click To ADVERTISE here]
Most ladies be sleeping with men who were once their grandmothers' suitors back in primary school.

Which brings us to an email we received yester-night from a student who sought anonymity

The photos sent to us show a Mercedes-Benz E320 that costs around Ksh.9.5 Million parked outside a popular hostel in Ndagani.

The sender claimed that the owner had dropped a female student at the hostel on the night of Tuesday 7th February, 2017 and proceeded to sleep with her.

Check out the photos that we received on our email:!

Millionaire Sponsor Driving A Mercedes-Benz E320 Spotted At Chuka University Girlfriend's Hostel
Millionaire Sponsor Driving A Mercedes-Benz E320 Spotted At Chuka University Girlfriend's Hostel
Millionaire Sponsor Driving A Mercedes-Benz E320 Spotted At Chuka University Girlfriend's Hostel

In order to protect the sponsor and the Chuka University sponsoree, we decided not to post the pictures of the Mercedes-Benz showing the registration plate number.

Hey! Do you have any flash news, articles or a video of a Chuka Uni comrade doing something weird/funny? If you do, kindly send the content to us through our email: Also follow us on the internet: @ChukaCampus on both Twitter and Instagram

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Millionaire Sponsor Driving A Mercedes-Benz E320 Spotted At Chuka University Girlfriend's Hostel Millionaire Sponsor Driving A Mercedes-Benz E320 Spotted At Chuka University Girlfriend's Hostel Reviewed by Admin on 16:19:00 Rating: 5

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