Why Chuka Uni Awards Never Happened - Chuka University News on Gossip, Entertainment, Campus Events And Breaking News - CHUKAUNIGOSSIP.com

Why Chuka Uni Awards Never Happened

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Why Chuka Uni Awards flopped: Just three weeks to the close of the semester, students of Chuka University were excited by a much hyped event. It was said to be something the varsity had never witnessed since it's launch. The event aimed at awarding the big fish of Chuka campus.

Reason Why Chuka Uni Awards Never Happened

And by the big fish I mean influential social media individuals, dance crews, student leaders and top campus tabloids. The nominees felt like they had been given something so huge their pants couldn't hold. I guess getting voted for through an online portal is somewhat of an achievement to them.

Talk about rushing to the popular Chuka University Live Facebook group to beg for votes from the thousands of users. I don't even remember the number of Whatsapp groups I was added to, with subjects like "Vote for So&So in ...", I left. And I left until my data ran out.

Then we waited for the awards on the promised day- Friday the 29th of July and as unfortunate as it can get, the Chuka Uni awards flopped. The reason for this was not revealed to the public until almost a week later when the bloggers responsible posted a 6-page essay explaining why they disappointed the Chuka fraternity.

According to information from their site, over 10 thousand comrades had already participated in the online voting process. Now, lets get one thing straight. Chuka University has around 13,000 students and half of these are first years and fourth years who don't give a damn about the awards.

So we are at 7,500 students... lets say half of these use a 'mulika mwizi' kind of mobo-device so of course they can't go to a cyber and spend over 20 shillings of their cash to vote for someone who doesn't even pay their data bills.

At 3,750, a thousand of these students don't have Facebook accounts so there's simply a 40% chance they heard about the awards. If you ask me, I'll say at most, 2000 people actually voted.

So what reason did they give us? The blog claims that the Garage Lounge management board is composed of at least nine investors. Most of whom were unaware that there was going to be a mega event on the 29th of July. So what was the big deal?

An insider got to Chuka Uni Gossip team through our Facebook page and revealed that the problem was the money. Apparently, the offer that the event's organizers had promised seemed less profitable to some of the members of the management board.

The Garage club holds approximately 500 individuals and it would have been great had more than 500 Chuka Uni awards event tickets been. Unfortunately, Chuka University comrades always suck at paying for tickets that cost more than 100 shillings no matter how you convince them.

"They said the Sh.500 worth ticket was redeemable, so why can't I bet with these cash instead? At least Sportpesa can pay it back with something atop," a student commented on the issue of expensive tickets.

The team has claimed that the event could still happen next semester, so let's wait and watch.

Hey! Do you have any flash news, articles or a video of a Chuka Uni comrade doing something weird/funny? If you do, kindly send the content to us through our email: chukaunigossip@gmail.com. Also follow us on the internet: @ChukaCampus on both Twitter and Instagram

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Why Chuka Uni Awards Never Happened Why Chuka Uni Awards Never Happened Reviewed by Admin on 11:05:00 Rating: 5

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