Marine Park Resort BANS All Chuka University Students! Here's Why - Chuka University News on Gossip, Entertainment, Campus Events And Breaking News -

Marine Park Resort BANS All Chuka University Students! Here's Why

Apparently, Chuka University students will no longer be allowed to rave at the Marine Park Resort that's located on your way to the famed Shepherd Hostels past Holime dormitories.

Marine Park Resort | Chuka University
Marine Park Resort | Chuka, Ndagani

Speaking to the manager, an event organizer planning to hold his event at the recently launched recreation centre sought to find out why the managers had banned night events for Chuka University comrades.

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He then exclusively revealed to Chuka Uni Gossip that Marine Park Manager's were pissed off by the comrades who messed up the swimming pool during the last pool party event.

The managers claimed that during the pool party, some of the students had urinated and ejaculated on the pooling posing danger to the rest of the pool users.

CUSA officials who had also planned to use Marine Park Resort as a venue to hold their "Comrades must Enjoy" event were also rejected.

"We don't want any Night Events involving Chuka University students" - managers told Ohuru Elphers.

READ ALSO: What You Didn't Know About The Pool Party At Marine Park Resort

Is this fair?

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Marine Park Resort BANS All Chuka University Students! Here's Why Marine Park Resort BANS All Chuka University Students! Here's Why Reviewed by Admin on 10:28:00 Rating: 5

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