"Hio Gatepass tutaichoma!" - Ex-CUSA Aspirant David Mutinda At Tredds Garden - Chuka University News on Gossip, Entertainment, Campus Events And Breaking News - CHUKAUNIGOSSIP.com

"Hio Gatepass tutaichoma!" - Ex-CUSA Aspirant David Mutinda At Tredds Garden

Friday 3rd of February, 2017 will be remembered as the ONLY day students of Chuka University had fun courtesy of the recently inaugurated Chuka University Students' Association (C.U.S.A).

Burning Gatepass Chuka University

Thousands of campus students flocked at the eminent Tredds Recreation Garden for the event dubbed "Comrades must Enjoy" where they drunk and had fun to their fill.

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The slogan "Comrades must Enjoy" was however remixed to "Comrades must Ejaculate" after it was noted that every guy left the event with a 'mshikaji'.

During the event, Ohuru Elphers - The new CUSA president together with his team addressed the comrades revealing that besides shutting down the Mess, they had issues to deal with in the coming weeks.

It was at this juncture that Ohuru gave former CUSA chair contender David Mutinda a chance to talk to the comrades.

Mutinda acknowledged the fact that the current CUSA team was the best Chuka University had voted in.

The ex aspirant who lost to Ohuru Elphers by over a thousand votes in the recently completed elections mentioned that he was also tired with the issue of gate-passes.

"Nangoja io siku, gatepass itachomwa" he said while signing out.

Chuka University gate-pass

The event was a success and over 3,500 students went to have fun at the Tredds garden.

Hey! Do you have any flash news, articles or a video of a Chuka Uni comrade doing something weird/funny? If you do, kindly send the content to us through our email: chukaunigossip@gmail.com. Also follow us on the internet: @ChukaCampus on both Twitter and Instagram

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"Hio Gatepass tutaichoma!" - Ex-CUSA Aspirant David Mutinda At Tredds Garden "Hio Gatepass tutaichoma!" - Ex-CUSA Aspirant David Mutinda At Tredds Garden Reviewed by Admin on 09:37:00 Rating: 5

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