Shock As CUSA President Ohuru Elphers SHUTS DOWN The Chuka University MESS - Chuka University News on Gossip, Entertainment, Campus Events And Breaking News -

Shock As CUSA President Ohuru Elphers SHUTS DOWN The Chuka University MESS

Chuka University is one of the university's with the worst mess! As CUSA leaders put it "the mess is in a mess"! A very pathetic place imposed to the students by the admin to have their meals which are very expensive and not to the standards!

chuka university building behind the mess; i.e the library

Following today's inspection by the CUSA leaders, they found the condition of the mess pathetic and unhealthy.
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Lutta Wilberforce CUSA's secretary general today said  that, CUSA has SUSPENDED THE SERVICES OFFERED AT THE MESS TILL FURTHER NOTICE.

Chuka university media school that is still under construction

He then continued urging students to look for better services outside the school till further notice too.

As Chuka Uni Gossip team we also hope that the overworking CUSA will also inspect the Media School lavatories and also instruct a SHUTDOWN of the same till the rightful standards are met.

police line do not cross

We managed to get a commentary from one of the leaders and all they said is that' "The closure of the mess is just but a start!"

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Shock As CUSA President Ohuru Elphers SHUTS DOWN The Chuka University MESS Shock As CUSA President Ohuru Elphers SHUTS DOWN The Chuka University MESS Reviewed by Shirley O. on 01:43:00 Rating: 5

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