How 5 CHUKA UNIVERSITY Rugby Players DESTROYED My Relationship - Chuka University News on Gossip, Entertainment, Campus Events And Breaking News -

How 5 CHUKA UNIVERSITY Rugby Players DESTROYED My Relationship

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Borehole. That's what guys normally call me, or rather guys I have ever slept with. But my real name is Mitchelle, an outgoing second year student at Chuka University though most guys think I'm a fourth year. But "borehole" really, guys?

Embu University Rugby Team ~ Chuka University Rugby Game
Embu University rugby team

So I used to think guys gave me that name because I normally cry a lot but it was until last year that I learned of its real meaning.

It was on a Friday, and the Chuka University rugby team was to hold a friendly match with Embu University's own sevens' team.... so being the Mitchelle y'all know, I had to tag along with my best friend Cindy since we are that kind of 'B*tches before Boys' kind of sissies. Earlier that week, I had promised my boyfriend that we would hang out together on that weekend unfortunately for him, my fat ass was heading to Embu no matter what.

The most used lie in a campus relationships - "Hey beb, my dad amenishow nifike home leo then nirudi on Sunday, I think ni kitu urgent" was all I needed to escape my small minded boyfriend. And that is how Cindy and I along with the other players got into the now burnt Chuka University bus that shipped us to Embu University college last year.

I'm not really interested in telling you the details of how the friendly game went down because our team won the match. Okay here's why we girls love watching rugby players maul on each other as they attempt to make tries. We also love checking out players with sexy thighs, they turn us on a lot.

***The Night Of That Friday***

It's evening, and the players have decided that we should sleep at Embu Uni since there was going to be another game on Saturday the next day. Cindy luckily managed to hook up with one guy from Embu's rugby team and she's no longer with me despite the 'B*tches before Niggurs' thingy.

Suleiman is in our campus' rugby team and we also happen to share some course units with him, so why not sleep with him? I decided to call 'my classmate' to ask if I could get somewhere to sleep since it's already nine at night.

''Si ukam hapa mess tukule basi ndio tuende tusake base ya kulala?'' He quips.
''Sawa on my way, dear'' I quickly reply before my okoa jahazi dies off.

Embu University's Mess is a bit bigger than Chuka's and it also has a variety of food, not like Chuka where they depend on a timetable like high school. At the mess, I joined Suleiman with the other 6 rugby guys in eating chapo and beans stew.

One of them, Dayvie, claims that they have secured a sleeping place for us at some hostel within the campus but he adds that he won't be joining us because his ex girlfriend wants him for the night at her room.

I know it's hard to believe that I slept with six rugby guys... The night would have been silent and peaceful had I done myself the favour of refusing to drink the tusker lite Suleiman had offered me. All I remember is sucking everyone's d*ck in the room and later being ripped apart by all the five rugby guys.

chuka university lady dancing

Suleiman is a close friend of my boyfriend since they study the same course and that's why he left the room as soon as I had started acting like a cow on heat.

***The Aftermath of a Great Night***

What I will never forget is that, it was the best orgy my body has ever experienced. But then when we got back to Chuka that Sato evening my boyfriend learned of the tragic events that had unraveled at Embu! This was our last phone call conversation;

''Hey boo, unakuja kwangu kukula supper leo?'' - I asked him after 'please calling him'
''Si nilidhani uko home hadi kesho jioni?'' -with a serious tone...
''Oh zii.. nilikuwa nimekumiss nikaamua nikuje leo'' my attempted lie.
''Umecheki hizo pics nimekutumia whatsapp?'' he asked.
''Ata sina bundles, wacha niokoe mbs then nicheck''.. then he hanged up the call.

My guy usually sends me romantic photos, or sometimes hilarious pics.. but since I thought he had missed me I knew it was either a poem picture. I quickly try to okoa some bundles but then I haven't even repaid the last okoa jahazi so I'm doomed.

After sorting out the credo issue, I bought some 35mbs from blaze bundles and quickly navigated my cracked smartphone from the dial app to Whatsapp only to find that my boo had sent 9 photos. Sweat started forming around the tip of my nose as I scrolled down through the pictures.

On the photos, was none other than my nakéd body smiling at the camera while holding two d*cks to my chin. My saggy bóóbs were staring at the camera as if they were ashamed of me... These photos literally paralyzed me and his last text was "Nimeelewa mbona unakuwanga borehole sasa, kuingiwa tu na watu wengi...stupid malaya! Never text back unless...

to be continued...

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How 5 CHUKA UNIVERSITY Rugby Players DESTROYED My Relationship How 5 CHUKA UNIVERSITY Rugby Players DESTROYED My Relationship Reviewed by Admin on 06:04:00 Rating: 5

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