Confirmed Reporting Dates For Continuing Chuka University Students - Chuka University News on Gossip, Entertainment, Campus Events And Breaking News -

Confirmed Reporting Dates For Continuing Chuka University Students

After months of waiting for official communication of reporting dates from the Chuka University Administration, we have received information concerning when comrades should get their lazy bones back to the campus. It's been two months since the institution was shut down following students' unrest over disputed elections.

Chuka University Gate

According to the 'not yet inaugurated' secretary general- Dickson Morjen Rutto, first year and fourth year students are supposed to report back to Chuka University by April 21st whereas second and third years should be back in school on May 26th.

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The reason for the separate reporting sessions are yet to be explained by the Administration. Through a Facebook post on the popular FB forum- CUC Live, Dickson Rutto made clear to continuing students that the information about reporting dates was approved and official.
Facebook screenshot

In the same post, the current Sec gen. informed the students that the subsequent Higher Education Loan Board (Helb) loans application was in process.

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Confirmed Reporting Dates For Continuing Chuka University Students Confirmed Reporting Dates For Continuing Chuka University Students Reviewed by Admin on 21:03:00 Rating: 5

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