PHOTOS: President Uhuru Kenyatta Disappoints Chuka University Comrades - Chuka University News on Gossip, Entertainment, Campus Events And Breaking News -

PHOTOS: President Uhuru Kenyatta Disappoints Chuka University Comrades

Thousands of Chuka University comrades joyously lined themselves up from Beverly Hills gates all along past Muringa entrance gate on hearing that His Excellency the President, Commander in Chief of the Armed forces Uhuru Kenyatta would make a stop over for a brief speech in his return to state house after his visit earlier on the day at Tharaka Nithi county.

President Uhuru Kenyatta at his vehicle passing by Chuka University comrades
President Uhuru Kenyatta At Chuka University

To their disappointment, the President just passed by waving, only to pick up the vice chancellor and his two bodyguards.

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Security hightened alonig Meru-Nairobi highway as Chuka University comrades wait for H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta
President Uhuru Kenyatta At Chuka University

This was followed by public uproar as comrades engaged each other in tete-a-tete expressing how displeased they were.

Comrades at Ndagani waiting for Pres. Uhuru Kenyatta
President Uhuru Kenyatta At Chuka University

"Maze hajarusha kakitu,""Kama ingekuwa rao angesimama at least agotee maninja," this were some of the comments heard from the by-standers.

H.E the president bing waited for along the high way by Chuka University comrades
President Uhuru Kenyatta At Chuka University

Also in attendance in the presidential convoy was Senator Kindiki and Senator Mike Sonko.

Below are the photos:

Senator Mike Sonko Together with Senator Kindiki
President Uhuru Kenyatta At Chuka University
The presidents security escort detail
President Uhuru Kenyatta At Chuka University

Presidential security personel make their way moments before the president arrives at Ndagani
President Uhuru Kenyatta At Chuka University

Chuka University comrades wait eagerly for H.E President Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta at Ndagani
President Uhuru Kenyatta At Chuka University

Hey! Do you have any flash news, articles or a video of a Chuka Uni comrade doing something weird/funny? If you do, kindly send the content to us through our email: Also follow us on the internet: @ChukaCampus on both Twitter and Instagram

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PHOTOS: President Uhuru Kenyatta Disappoints Chuka University Comrades PHOTOS: President Uhuru Kenyatta Disappoints Chuka University Comrades Reviewed by Shirley O. on 16:31:00 Rating: 5

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