EXPOSED: Ratchet Explicit Photos of a Female Chuka Uni Comrade
Friday the 27th of January was the "big-day." After the victorious announcement of Ohuru Elphers as the CUSA-chair elect as awaited by many.
Clubs were packed to the brim, starting from Marine Park Resort, to California to Kimwa and finally to the so called The Garage Lounge.
Our team managed to get some explicit pics of a lady comrade who "alikuwa amezima" due to excessive intake of alcohol.
Chuka Uni Gossip would like to cation our ladies kindly in as much as you are having fun kindly moderate.
Fun is here to stay but your lives are much more precious!
Meanwhile all eyes are fixed for the D-day the 3/02/2017! Yeah! you know what we are talking about don't you?!
Clubs were packed to the brim, starting from Marine Park Resort, to California to Kimwa and finally to the so called The Garage Lounge.
Our team managed to get some explicit pics of a lady comrade who "alikuwa amezima" due to excessive intake of alcohol.
Chuka Uni Gossip would like to cation our ladies kindly in as much as you are having fun kindly moderate.
Fun is here to stay but your lives are much more precious!
Meanwhile all eyes are fixed for the D-day the 3/02/2017! Yeah! you know what we are talking about don't you?!
Hey! Do you have any flash news, articles or a video of a Chuka Uni comrade doing something weird/funny? If you do, kindly send the content to us through our email: Also follow us on the internet: @ChukaCampus on both Twitter and Instagram
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EXPOSED: Ratchet Explicit Photos of a Female Chuka Uni Comrade
Reviewed by Shirley O.