I Stand With Seraphine, Do You? Chuka University Comrades To Help Offset Sera's Hospital Bill - Chuka University News on Gossip, Entertainment, Campus Events And Breaking News - CHUKAUNIGOSSIP.com

I Stand With Seraphine, Do You? Chuka University Comrades To Help Offset Sera's Hospital Bill

You all know who Seraphine Santana Ojiambo, the girl who was among the two Chuka University students that were involved in a tragic road accident along the Nakuru-Naivasha Highway near St Mary Hospital in Gilgil. Luckily, Sera managed to survive the injuries while on the other hand Mercy Sang' did not make it...may she rest in peace.

Seraphine Santana Ojiambo

Seraphine is now well and lively, but problem is, she needs to settle her hospital bill which totals a million Kenyan shillings.

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On Saturday, the Chuka University administration together with the campus comrades came together at the Varsity Pavilion to help in offsetting Seraphine's hospital bill.

Below is Seraphine Santana's gut wrenching plea to comrades;

Hello dear comrades,

It is with very deep thanksgiving that we say thanks to God for letting me have a second chance in life. Since i got out of that hospital bed, my life has not been the same as it was before.

Going through a lot in mind, plus having to think and wonder, even cry that my parents are still struggling to settle the hospital bill.

As for me, I take all of Chuka University as my family, and am so thankful to all that have been by my side to comfort and make me happy. It is my wish that all of you are going to help my parents by making any contributions. I will really appreciate your support. Thanks in advance and may God bless all of you.

Seraphine Santana Ojiambo.

Chuka Uni Gossip team have done their best and donated the much we could.

I stand with Sera

But have YOU donated?

Join #ISupportSeraphine social media campaign as we help Sera do away with this bill problem.

Hey! Do you have any flash news, articles or a video of a Chuka Uni comrade doing something weird/funny? If you do, kindly send the content to us through our email: chukaunigossip@gmail.com. Also follow us on the internet: @ChukaCampus on both Twitter and Instagram

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I Stand With Seraphine, Do You? Chuka University Comrades To Help Offset Sera's Hospital Bill I Stand With Seraphine, Do You? Chuka University Comrades To Help Offset Sera's Hospital Bill Reviewed by Admin on 13:49:00 Rating: 5

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