Shortage Of Water In Major Hostels In Chuka Results In Non-resident Students Using The School Washrooms - Chuka University News on Gossip, Entertainment, Campus Events And Breaking News -

Shortage Of Water In Major Hostels In Chuka Results In Non-resident Students Using The School Washrooms

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Apparently some residential hostels located outside the Chuka University premises are facing a major water crisis that has been going on for the last one week. The shortage of water is due to drying up of the water-well which has ended up affecting most populated hostels. Others, however, including the school hostels get water from privately owned reservoirs.

Shortage Of Water In Major Hostels In Chuka Results In Non-resident Students Using The School Washrooms

Chuka Uni Gossip website has since yesterday received emails with the subject of water shortage from 9 Chuka University comrades living in different hostels. After researching for the past few hours, we received reports that one out of the two water bore-holes still has sufficient water to cater the whole of Chuka University neighborhood for the next few weeks as the other source is being dealt with.The shortage of water has had it's share of nightmares to the comrades such as forfeiting water-demanding-meals e.g ugali, rice, uji, tea and waru. They have, however, opted for food like eggs, sossi, skumawiki and preferably already cooked food.

Shortage Of Water In Major Hostels In Chuka Results In Non-resident Students Using The School Washrooms

Another nightmare has been visiting the white-house to answer your body calls. Most Chuka Uni comrades have resorted to finishing their long call businesses in school toilets since there's an abundance of water. A first year reported to us that two nights ago, some third year students went to his Eastern B room and left some belongings and clothing before going to take a bath. He said;
"Majamaa tu fulani wame kuja room yangu pale eastern b wakaacha nguo zao, ID na ma-wallet alafu wakaniomba tissue paper na sabuni ya kuoga alafu wakaingia choo zetu. After kitu 10 minutes wakarudi alafu wakanishow ati mahostels zao huko nje hawana maji"

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Shortage Of Water In Major Hostels In Chuka Results In Non-resident Students Using The School Washrooms Shortage Of Water In Major Hostels In Chuka Results In Non-resident Students Using The School Washrooms Reviewed by Admin on 12:52:00 Rating: 5

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