Drunk Chuka Uni Luhya Student Caught On Audio Hoping That Jesus Visits Bungoma Soon (Listen) - Chuka University News on Gossip, Entertainment, Campus Events And Breaking News - CHUKAUNIGOSSIP.com

Drunk Chuka Uni Luhya Student Caught On Audio Hoping That Jesus Visits Bungoma Soon (Listen)

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It was Friday night the most enthusiastic day of the 'busy' week where you were either at Kimwa listening to King Kaka spitting some lyrics or you were just at your bedsitter chatting with your whatsapp group mates. Others though, were at local Ndagani clubs drinking their selves silly.

bungoma man eating fish

According to one of our sources who sought anonymity, he was seated with his friends at Calif club and they had been drinking lots of tots to flush away the stress that had been brought about by the local politics. Following the news that some votes had vanished, only alcohol would make things right. A luhya friend was overcome by the power of the drinks and he started blurting out things about his family and how they live so far away from the posho-mill.
"Nimecharibu kuambia papa yangu tuishi karipu na posho mill huko pungoma lakini hataki kunisikiliza" The drunk guy tried to make sense within his drunken state. It was when our reliable source began recording what he was saying. In the audio, Wekesa (not real name) claims that there's nothing else that amazes him more than miracles that Jesus performed in the Bible. In particular he was mesmerized by Jesus feeding five thousand men with only five loves and two fish. He said that if there were luhyas within the crowd they might have requested for ugali floor. Listen to the audio below for more details;

For those who can't access the soundcloud player iframe, you can listen to the audio through this embedded youtube player;

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Drunk Chuka Uni Luhya Student Caught On Audio Hoping That Jesus Visits Bungoma Soon (Listen) Drunk Chuka Uni Luhya Student Caught On Audio Hoping That Jesus Visits Bungoma Soon (Listen) Reviewed by Admin on 14:13:00 Rating: 5

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